Wetlands: Biodiversity, Monitoring and Management
Dates and Deadlines
- Proposal Submission for locking the title: 30-01-2023
- Full chapter/first draft submission: 15-02-2023
- Review points available to authors: 20-02-2023
- Revised/Final draft submission: 25-02-2023
- Final Acceptance/Rejection to authors: 10-03-2023
Last updated on 21-01-2023
Publisher: World Biologica, India

The word “wetland” is derived from the combination of two independent words -‘wet’ and ‘land’ which primarily gives the idea of a land saturated with water, that is home to certain plants and “animals. They are among the world’s most productive environments; cradles of biological diversity that provide the water and productivity upon which countless species of plants and animals depend for survival. Wetlands are rich in biodiversity and play an important role in the natural environment. They are considered to be major structural components of littoral habitats, acting as shelters, nesting and feeding grounds for fish and birds. However, wetlands are often perceived as sinks or storage areas for nutrients, metals and pesticides. Widespread contamination and toxic effects of pesticides in water, soil, air, humans and wildlife have been of great concern. Wetlands provide many societal benefits: food and habitat for fish and wildlife, including threatened and endangered species; water quality improvement; flood storage; shoreline erosion control; economically beneficial natural products for human use; and opportunities for recreation, education, and research. Wetland degradation is considered as devastating for the environment since degraded wetlands could not only lose their ability to perform their valuable functions but may also damage other interconnected ecosystems (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2000). Loss of small wetlands would have great environmental impacts and it is critical that the few remaining wetland that are healthy need to be protected and conserved as these ecosystems have stable communities that tolerate chronic pollutants. Thus, contaminants accumulated in the organisms from these lakes can be uniquely related to atmospheric deposition in these areas. Wetland also helps to reduce different types of pollutants, although they contribute significantly to the Global warming.
The major objective of current edited book is to highlight the wetland conservation and current scenario of existing wetland with importance of inland wetland. They inventory of Biological wealth in these wetlands is a prime requirement in these times. The conservation of wetland is critical and most importantly to retain the wetland and protect them in situ.
Target Audience
The target audience will be professionals and researchers working in the field of ecological management and wetland conservation in various disciplines, e.g. life sciences, aquatic environment pollution, thermal pollution, environmental pollution, industries, environmental sciences, ecology & biodiversity, etc. Moreover, the book will provide deep understanding to the executives concerned with the management of wetland, status, monitoring information, trophic status index, productivity, NPV, ecological health and strategy development in different types of wetland conservation practices. The strategies covered in this book can be applied in situ, depending on the wetland in which they will be applied. It covers the most cost-effective techniques in conservation of wetland technologies and the most cutting-edge research on monitoring of wetland health and its applications.
Table of Contents (but are not limited to)
Section 1 Concept of Inland Water Wetland Ecosystem
Chapter 1 Wetlands: An Overview
Chapter 2 Biological wealth of Wetlands
Chapter 3 Limnological Classification of Wetland
Chapter 4 Structure Components of Wetland Ecosystem
Chapter 5 Functional Components of Wetland Ecosystem
Chapter 6 Status of Inland Water Wetlands
Chapter 7 Ecological Succession of Wetland
Chapter 8 Macrophyte wealth of wetlands
Section 2 Wetland threats and Challenges
Chapter 9 Water dynamics of wetlands
Chapter 10 Water pollution and wetlands
Chapter 11 Solid waste Disposal on Inland Water Wetland
Chapter 12 Impact of Change in Land use pattern & Encroachments
Chapter 13 Climate change and wetlands
Chapter 14 Ramsar convention and wetland conservation
Chapter 15 Scenario of different wetlands and management strategies
Section 3 Microbial Diversity of Wetlands
Chapter 16 EIA of wetlands
Chapter 17 Monitoring & Analysis Water Quality of Wetland
Chapter 18 Socioeconomics of wetlands
Chapter 19 Polices and strategies to include wetlands in Ramsar Convention
Chapter 20 Working tools of wetland inventory and assessment
Chapter 21 Protocol for Monitoring & Evaluation of Biological Parameters
Chapter 22 Determination of Biodiversity of Wetland
Chapter 23 Public Participation and Importance of Wetland Ecosystem Services
Chapter 24 Pesticide induced Stress Responses in Micro and Macro Flora of Aquatic Ecosystem: Aiming towards a Multi ‘–omics’ Strategies
Chapter 25 Wetland Legislation & Regulation, National Wetland Monitoring Program
Submission Procedure
Authors are requested to submit the chapters via email to the concerned editor within the mentioned timeline.
Useful Links
All proposals should be submitted via email to the concerned editor and upon the acceptance of the proposal, all full length chapters must be submitted through OMSP (Online Manuscript Submission Portal). Author guideline to make your chapter as per proposed themes is available at www.worldbiologica.com/
Click here for Author guidelines
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The book will be published by World Biologica, India & USA. This should be noted that the book is to be published as eBook only and NO PRINT copies will bedelivered to the authors.
Terms and Conditions
- All the chapters should be in the strict page ranges of 15-30 or not more than 8,000 words.
- References for each chapter will be limited, please avoids the unnecessary citation in the text. Please use the current references (Year of 2015 – 2021).
- Write your chapter in such a way that represents the research scenario from the whole world, not to be specific in your own Country based works.
You can also put black and white clear figures/ diagrams/ flowcharts. - Please use British English and we strongly advise to use a native English speaker to edit the text before submission.
- Scientific quality must be good enough and should have to avoid plagiarism, unless the chapter will be unconditionally rejected.
- Authors will receive the galley proof of their chapter as a PDF in order to final checking at last.
- The submitted book chapter must have a plagiarism index of less than 10%.
Inquiries can be forwarded to Editors
Dr. Khursheed Ahmad Wani (concerned editor) [Email: editorworldbiologica@gmail.com]
Dr. Junaid Ahmad Malik [Email: malik@worldbiologica.com]