Field Practices for Wastewater Use in Agriculture
Future Trends and Use of Biological Systems
Vinod K. Tripathi, Megh R. Goyal
ISBN: 978-1-771-88908-7
Publisher/Imprint: AAP, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group)
Pages: 368
Format: Print/e-Book
Language: English
Edition/Volume: 1st
© Year: 2021
Publication date: March 2021
About the Book
Field Practices for Wastewater Use in Agriculture discusses the growing importance of wastewater application in the field of agriculture. Addressing the tremendous need for the irrigation sector to reduce the demand for freshwater in agriculture, this volume looks at wastewater as a source for agricultural irrigation. The volume is divided into four sections: current and emerging issues in wastewater use in agriculture, wastewater management with biological systems, effective field practices for wastewater use, and case studies that provide information on scientific analytical studies on the environment under the influence of wastewater quality from different pollution sources.
This book sheds light on the vast potential of wastewater use in agricultural irrigation while also considering safety of the agricultural products for human consumption. Much emphasis has also been given to technological aspects for the treatment of wastewater to protect our environment for better public health protection.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Prospects of Wastewater Use in Agriculture
1. Water Footprints of Sustainable Agriculture: An Appropriation of Fresh and Wastewater
Shweta Upadhyay and A. S. Raghubanshi
2. Heavy Metal Accumulation in Crops: Status, Sources, Risks, and Management Strategies
Mayuri Chabukdhara, Sanjay K. Gupta, and Arvind K. Nema
3. Wastewater Use in Agriculture: An Emerging Issue and Current and Future Trends
Vinod Kumar Tripathi and Ashish Kumar
Part 2: Wastewater Management with Biological Systems
4. Microorganism-Based Biological Agents in Wastewater Treatment: Potential Use and Benefits in Agriculture
Djadouni Fatima
5. Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Cyanobacteria from Textile Effluents
B. Jeberlin Prabina, K. Kumar, and N. O. Gopal
6. Water Quality Improvement: Use of Indigenous Plant Materials
S. Sivaranjani and Amitava Rakshit
7. Impact of Biofilm on Clogging of Drip Irrigation Emitters
Nivedita Khawas, Vinod K. Tripathi, and Anil Kumar
Part 3: Wastewater Use: Principles and Field Practices
8. Sustainable Soil Conservation and Management: Principles, Issues, and Strategies
Shrikaant Kulkarni
9. Ex-Situ and in-Situ Crop Residue Management Technologies in Tropical Countries
Pebbeti Chandana, Y. Lavanya, and K. Kiran Kumar Reddy
10. Analysis of Groundwater Level: Groundwater Modeling Using GIS in Kolkata
Sushobhan Majumdar
11. Disposal of Effluents from Pulp and Paper Industries through Irrigation
Ajay Bharti and Pankaj K. Pandey
Part 4: Case Studies
12. Correlation Analysis of Municipal Sewage Discharge in River Ganges: Varanasi, India
Garima Jhariya, Devendra Mohan, and Ram Mandir Singh
13. Mapping of Normalized Difference Dispersal Index for Groundwater Quality Study on Parameter-Based Index for Irrigation: Kanchipuram District, India
Kishan S. Rawat et al.
14. Runoff and Sediment Estimation using ANN and ANFIS: Case Study of Godavari Basin, India
Ashish Kumar, Pravendra Kumar, and Vinod K. Tripathi
About the Authors/Editors
Vinod K. Tripathi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Farm Engineering at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Vinod Kumar Tripathi, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Farm Engineering at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has worked at the ICAR–Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar, and the Centre for Water Engineering and Management at the Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. Dr. Tripathi has developed a methodology to improve the quality of produce with drip irrigation by utilizing poor quality water. His areas of interest are geo-informatics, hydraulics in micro irrigation, and development of suitable water management technologies for higher crop and water productivity. Dr. Tripathi acts as organizing secretary for one national and two international conference. He has published 32 peer-reviewed research papers in national and international journals with high impact factors, eight books, 25 book chapters, and several bulletins. He has received the Rekha Nandi and Bhupesh Nandi Prize from The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata; Jain Irrigation Award; and Distinguish Service Certificate Award from the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi, India. He obtained his MTech (Irrigation and Drainage Eng.) from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India, and his PhD from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
Megh R. Goyal, PhD
Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Senior Acquisitions Editor, Biomedical Engineering and Agricultural Science, Apple Academic Press, Inc.
Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, is a Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering from the General Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez Campus. He has worked as a Soil Conservation Inspector and as a Research Assistant at Haryana Agricultural University and Ohio State University. He was the first agricultural engineer to receive the professional license in Agricultural Engineering from the College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico, and was proclaimed as the “Father of Irrigation Engineering in Puerto Rico for the twentieth century” by the ASABE, Puerto Rico Section, for his pioneering work on micro irrigation, evapotranspiration, agroclimatology, and soil and water engineering. During his professional career of over 50 years, he has received many prestigious awards. A prolific author and editor, he has written more than 200 journal articles and several textbooks and has edited over 70 books.