Climate Change and Its Impact on Fertility
Khursheed Ahmad Wani, Nibedita Naha
ISBN: 978-1-799-84480-8
Publisher/Imprint: IGI Global, USA
Pages: 416
Format: Print/e-Book
Language: English
Edition/Volume: 1st
© Year: 2021
Publication date: January 2021
About the Book
Climate change is the biggest threat to the fertility of mammals across the globe through its potential effects on heat stress, nutrition security, extreme weather events, vulnerable shelter, and population migration. Climatic variables, such as temperature and humidity, are common environmental stressors as well as nutritional stress, which reduces fertility. Besides climate and nutritional stressors, another major factor responsible for reduced fertility discovered within the past decade is the exposure to potential hazardous substances such as chemical, radiation, physical, biological, and occupational hazards. This exposure includes anything from heavy metals and gases to pathogens and toxins and any substance that interferes with natural biological functions of the exposed workers, pregnant and breast-feeding workers, and young working population. There also must be research focused on developmental hazards that alter the structure and function of the developing embryo as well. The different climatic factors in the era of climate change need to be explored to discuss the impacts on fertility.
Climate Change and Its Impact on Fertility highlights the issues and concerns that address the latest impact of climate change and mitigation strategies for enhancing early embryo survival and uterine potential. This book covers the effects of climate change on both the biological parents and the embryo by discussing the negative impacts, providing an overview of the variety of climate changes currently affecting fertility, and exploring possible solutions. This book is ideally intended for medical scientists and doctors, reproductive biologists, experimental toxicologists, mammalian cell biologists, clinicians, embryologists, health and safety agencies/regulatory authorities, public health officials, and policymakers along with practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students interested in climate change and its link to embryo growth, developmental risk, implantation failure, and fertility.
Topics Covered
The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
Animal Fertility
Climate Change
Embryo Development
Embryonic Implantation
Environmental Contaminants
Heat Stress
Nutritional Stress
Toxicological Hazards
Table of Contents
Editorial Advisory Board
Table of Contents
Detailed Table of Contents
Foreword by Münir Öztürk
Chapter 1
Climate Change and Its Impact on Soil Fertility and Life Forms (pages 1-26)
Trinath Biswal
Chapter 2
Environmental and Occupational Factors on Implantation Failure (pages 27-41)
Khursheed Ahmad Wani, Javid Ahmad Lone, Waseem Yaseen, Junaid Ahmad Malik
Chapter 3
Textile Industry and Health Hazards: Impact of Climate Change Issues and Fertility Potential (pages 42-69)
Nibedita Naha, Gokul Manickavachagam
Chapter 4
Chronodisruption and Loss of Female Reproductive Potential Due to Shift Work (pages 70-98)
Chandana Haldar, Jayita Pal Chowdhury
Chapter 5
Impact of Heat Stress on Embryonic Implantation (pages 99-112)
Khursheed Ahmad Wani, Jamila Irfan, Junaid Ahmad Malik
Chapter 6
Impact of Heat Stress and Nutritional Stress on Early Embryo Development (pages 113-134)
Golden Gokhale, Pir Mohammad Ishfaq, Gurudutt Sharma
Chapter 7
Thermotolerance for Physiological and Endocrine Regulation of Embryo-Uterine Development (pages 135-157)
Sameena Khanday, Rayees Ahmad, Guru Dutt Sharma
Chapter 8
Neuroendocrine Cross-Talk and Axial Regulation of Embryonic Implantation: Impact of Climate Change (pages 158-188)
Younis Ahmad Hajam, Javid Ahmad Malik, Mohd Rafi Wani, Rajesh Kumar, Ankush Sharma
Chapter 9
The Effect of Temperature on Sperm Motility and Viability (pages 189-205)
Junaid Ahmad Malik
Chapter 10
Effects on Fertility and Reproductive Behavior From Environmental Contaminants in Extreme Environments (pages 206-225)
Irfan Ashraf Badroo, Ashiq Hussain Khanday, Suriya Ashraf Badroo, Saba Khursheed Khan, Irshad Aziz Malik, Hemlata Pradeep Nandurkar, Syed A. Untoo
Chapter 11
Impact of Climate Change on Animal Fertility (pages 226-240)
Urfeya Mirza, Uiase Bin Farooq, Shahnaz Anjum
Chapter 12
Climate Change and Livestock Fertility (pages 241-262)
Vishakha Shrimali, Nibedita Naha, Sukanta Mondal
Chapter 13
Climate Change on Fertility and Reproductive Processes of Female Livestock (pages 263-277)
Joan Mwihaki Nyika
Chapter 14
Multidimensional Impact of Climate Change on Human Reproduction and Fertility: A Medical Perspective on Changing Dynamics (pages 278-315)
Ranjana Hanumant Choudhari
About the Contributors
About the Authors/Editors
Khursheed Ahmad Wani, PhD
Khursheed Ahmad Wani is Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Science, Government Degree College Bijbehara, J&K. Dr. Wani served at ITM University Gwalior as Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science from 2011 to 2017. He has completed his M. Sc. and Ph. D. in Environmental Science from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. He has also qualified Jammu and Kashmir State Level Eligibility Test (JKSET). His areas of interest include Environmental management, Environmental Impact Assessment and Occupational Health. He has published research papers in various national and international journals and is the author of three books on Environmental Science. He is a member of several national and international organizations and is in the editorial board of various journals. He has organized different programmes on Environmental Awareness and has completed research project sponsored by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal, India. Dr. Wani has organized various national and international conferences/seminars/ workshops as well.
Nibedita Naha, PhD
Nibedita Naha, is Scientist ‘D’ and Head of the Biochemistry Division, ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health Research, Govt. of India). She did PhD work on reproductive health of the lead factory workersfrom Jadavpur University, India; and Postdoctorate on prostate cancer cell signalling, tumour xenograft, and neurobiochemistry of substance abuse from Gyeongsang National University, South Korea. She also served as a faculty of Govt. Degree College, Medical College, and Universities in India and abroad. She has vast experience on mechanism-based approach of different techniques using pre-clinical animal models, cell lines and human subjects (patient’s samples) with respect to occupational and environmental exposure since 2000. Dr. Naha is a recognized PhD Guide of Gujarat University, India; and a member of several PhD Research Committees (RDC) and Board of Studies (BoS) of different universities, CPCSEA nominee of Animal Ethics Committee (Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India) of several research organizations and pharmaceutical companies; Chairperson of Human Ethics Committee (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India) of pharmaceutical colleges; and Department of Biotechnology nominee (Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) for the Institute Biosafety Committee. Apart from that, Dr. Naha is also a reviewer and editorial member of several international and national peer-reviewed journals; and invited speakers of different national and international conferences. She is also a trained NABL internal auditor of ISO/IEC17025:2017 and ISO/IEC15189:2012. She has authored more than 30 research articles, invited reviews and book chapters along with patents on her research work. As per recent Google scholar, her current citation is nearly 300 with 9 as both hindex and i10-index excluding self-citation. Dr. Naha is an elected member of the Physiological Society of India (PSI) since 2013, and the advisory board member of some national conferences sponsored by Govt. of India. She has also honoured as a life member of several scientific societies in India and US such as, SRBCE, ISSRF, NESA, ISNA, ISCA, SfN and AAAS etc.; and awardees of many national and internationalscientific reputesincluding SfN (USA), Brain Korea 21 (South Korea), PB Sen Gold Medal (Physiological Society of India), Young Scientist Award (Indian Science Congress), National Scholarship (Govt. of India) etc. Dr. Naha considers herself extremely fortunate to contribute in improving the health and wellbeing through her research findings in the respective fields.